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Getting Started

This guide will help you quickly understand how to use vite-plugin-i18n-ally to achieve seamless internationalization in your Vite project.


  • vite-plugin-i18n-ally uses some configurations from vscode-i18n-ally. We highly recommend installing the i18n-ally plugin in VSCode for a better development experience.

  • You can use any language framework. This guide will use React and react-i18next as examples.

Step 1: Installation

First, install the necessary dependencies:

npm i vite-plugin-i18n-ally i18next react-i18next

Step 2: Configuration

Import this plugin in your vite.config.ts:

import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import { i18nAlly } from 'vite-plugin-i18n-ally'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [i18nAlly()],

vite-plugin-i18n-ally will automatically read the i18n-ally.* configurations from .vscode/settings.json in your project, so no additional configuration is usually needed.

For more information on vscode-i18n-ally configuration, refer to the official documentation.

You can also configure the options of the i18n-ally plugin in vite.config.ts. For more information, refer to Plugin Options.

Step 3: Using in Frontend Code

First, import the client API provided by the plugin from vite-plugin-i18n-ally/client. The core of the client API is to allow developers to control how to use the loaded internationalization resources and how to cache language identifiers.

Loading i18n Resources

// main.tsx
import { i18nAlly } from 'vite-plugin-i18n-ally/client'

The i18nAlly API provides some hooks to help developers initialize the application and use resources.

import React from 'react'
import { initReactI18next } from 'react-i18next'
import i18next from 'i18next'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client'
import { i18nAlly } from 'vite-plugin-i18n-ally/client'

const fallbackLng = 'en'

const { asyncLoadResource } = i18nAlly({
  // onInit hook is called when i18nAlly initializes, before resources are loaded
  async onInit({ language }) {
      lng: language,
      resources: {}, // Empty object, resources will be loaded in onResourceLoaded hook
      nsSeparator: '.',
      keySeparator: '.',
  // onInited hook is called after i18nAlly initialization is complete and resources are loaded
  onInited() {
        { /* Your App */ }
  // onResourceLoaded hook is called after resources are loaded
  // Here we need to add the resources to i18next
  onResourceLoaded: (resources, { language }) => {
    i18next.addResourceBundle(language, i18next.options.defaultNS[0], resources)

To load resources when switching languages, we need to override the i18next.changeLanguage method:

const { asyncLoadResource } = i18nAlly()

const i18nextChangeLanguage = i18next.changeLanguage
i18next.changeLanguage = async (lang: string, ...args) => {
  // Load resources before switching languages
  await asyncLoadResource(lang)
  return i18nextChangeLanguage(lang, ...args)

Detecting and Caching Language Identifiers

i18nAlly provides language detection and caching similar to i18next-browser-languageDetector.

The detection array has decreasing priority. Once a language identifier is detected, it stops further detection.

  detection: [
      detect: 'querystring',
      lookup: 'lang',
      detect: 'cookie',
      lookup: 'cookie-name',
      cache: true,
      detect: 'htmlTag',
      cache: false,

For more caching and detection configurations, refer to i18nAlly configuration.

Step 4: Adding Internationalization Resources

Add internationalization resource files to your project. Assuming our configuration is as follows:

  "i18n-ally.keystyle": "nested",
  "i18n-ally.localesPaths": ["src/locales"],
  "i18n-ally.pathMatcher": "{locale}.json",
  "i18n-ally.namespace": false,

Then we need to add a resource file en.json in the src/locales directory:

  "hello": "Hello, World!",

Step 5: Using Internationalization Resources

Use the useTranslation hook provided by react-i18next in your components:

import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'

export default function Hello() {
  const { t } = useTranslation()

  return (

Now your project has basic i18n automatic lazy loading functionality!

You no longer need to manually import resource files. Just add resource files in localesPaths, and vite-plugin-i18n-ally will automatically search for them.

Released under the MIT License.