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Client API


LegacyRouterProvider is a component that provides the legacy router context to the application.


  • routes: Route[] - The routes to be used by the router.
  • onRouteWillMount: (payload: RouteWillMountPayload) => void - A callback that is called before a route is mounted.
  • onRouteMount: (payload: RouteMountPayload) => void - A callback that is called when a route is mounted.
  • onRouteUnmount: (payload: RouteUnmountPayload) => void - A callback that is called when a route is unmounted.
  • render: children: ReactNode | null) => ReactNode - A function that renders the children of the router.
  • suspense: ReactNode - A fallback component to be rendered while the router is loading.
  • basename: string - The base URL for all routes.

Released under the MIT License.